As School PTA President of the Jose Zurbito Sr. Elementary School, I had the privilege to be involved and to take active part in this affair- the 43rd JZSES Foundation Day.
So here are the photos of that event...
It started off with a Mass and a Parade.
Then there were presentations prepared from all grade levels from the Pre-Schoolers up to Grade 6.
Notice how cute they are. =)
Colorful and energetic, huh? =) Their parents were really happy seeing their kids perform.
Who won't be, right? As for me, that's our youngest daughter Jorin Viktoria "Bavick", right there in the middle. She loves dancing, singing and playing the guitar. She's part of the Rondalla Club of the school that performs in most school events. She's very talented. She speaks very fluently too. Really good in communication skills. She's also running for Councilor for her Grade level (Grade 2). Their elections will be by July. She's very passionate about it, hopefully she makes it too. =) VIKTORIA REVIL for Councilor! =)
These are the Grade 3s. They are so lovely in Red. =)
Now, here are the Grade 4s. JOVI is part of this. She's the one in the middle photo above, together with her best friend since Pre-School. Her name is Hestia Cervantes. She's also running for Councilor for Grade 4. Councilors are voted on a per grade level basis. MMO is voted by the whole school. Another candidate is their friend Marja Ranola. She's the one dancing beside my daughter too. They are all very good friends. =) Hopefully they all make it. =)
Last to perform were the Grade 5 and 6 students. They danced really well too. Notice those facial expressions, for sure you'll feel their excitement too!
Then at night was the Coronation Ceremonies of the Mr. & Ms. JZSES and their court. This has been a traditional activity since then, which is made possible through the support of all the parents of the candidates as well as the different teacher advisers and grade level representatives and facilitated by the JZSESTA headed by Mrs. Pia Salvacion and the SPTA by yours truly . Each grade level has a pair of representatives. The selection of the winner is done through a sort of a bidding process where the one with the highest bid wins the position. For this year, the bid was at around P60,000 for the title, won by the Grade 6 Contestants: Jose Pablo Du and Lyxen Jewin A. Malubay. The total money of the event was at around 90k+. This amount is used to finance the expenses for the event (i.e.venue,sound system, food, trophies, decors, etc.) and the remainder if any will be used for a school project.
So these are the names of the King and Queen of JZSES and their court.
The night went smoothly with several presentations, speeches and to highlight it were these...
The Sash-Pinning...
The Crowning...
and the Awarding Ceremonies.
It was February 14 then, and you bet, it's become my Valentines Date with my husband Vince (<--press to know him more) and it's been totally worth it. =) It was a special event. I would always remember that once upon a time, we dated together with the JZSES community. It has given me this sense of fulfillment that is something beyond the usual dates that we have. Perhaps, it was because, we went out of our comfort zones and shared the love of God to this community. The speech we delivered, definitely shared the good news to His people- that God is our perfect unconditional lover despite all of our imperfections. =)
That's all. Hope you had a fulfilling Valentines day too! =)
God bless us all! =)
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